Doing Good For Good Sleep

Every Folk & Thread product sold funds a donation project to give bedding to babies who need it. We run The Better Sleep Project in partnership with our friends The Lullaby Trust.

Safer sleep for babies

Every purchase from Folk & Thread funds a donation programme which gives baby bedding to families who need it. There are over 125,000 children living in temporary and unsuitable housing in the UK today - through the Better Sleep Project we will put baby sleep bags and sleep guidance directly into the hands of those parents, supporting them to create a safer nursery environment and reduce the risk of SIDS.

Sleep better, knowing you are helping a baby in need to sleep safer.

The Lullaby Trust

Throughout 2024 we will partner with The Lullaby Trust to make The Better Sleep Project happen.

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families.

Every time you make a purchase from Folk & Thread it funds the donation project. We are giving 1200 baby sleep bags, sheets and muslins to the Lullaby Trust, who will distribute them to families in need.

Visit our safe sleep hub